Notify Us of Any Potential Scams

If you detect a scam from a user on this website, please notify both the System Administrator and Site Members by posting the scam within the List of Scammers Forum.

The System Administrator will read the postings in this forum and delete the scammer's account and ban their IP address from further access to this website.

Please include the following when posting about the Scammer:

Subject: * Beware of Scammer Name / User Name

Forums: * Choose "List of Scammers"

Body: *
(1) The Scammer's User Name and contact information such as their Email Address and or Phone Number.
(2) Evidence of what the Scammer is doing as a scam. For example, a link to a scam posting or information the scammer has sent to you.

Note: Create one new forum topic per scammer. If the same scammer is to be reported multiple times, then report them under that scammer's forum topic.

Thank you,

System Administrator